GPIO Port A..H

The STM32F429ZI has a total of 8 GPIO ports (A..H). Each port offers 16 I/O pins (except port H, which offers only 2). Each pin can individually be configured as input, output or be connected to one of the other peripherals (alternate function).

  • Up to 114 I/O ports.
  • Output states: push-pull or open-drain + pull-up/-down.
  • Input states: floating, pull-up/-down or analog.
  • Speed selection for each I/O.
  • Up to 90 MHz toggeling speed.


Extract from ST Reference Manual

After reset most of the pins are configured as floating general purpose input. The ones that are not, are used for the debug/programming interface:

Port A.15JTDI, JTAG Data Inputpull-up
Port A.14JTCK/SWCLK, JTAG / Serial Wire Clockpull-down
Port A.13JTMS/SWDAT, JTAG Mode Select / Serial Wire Data (Input/Output)pull-up
Port B.4NJTRST, JTAG Reset (Inverted)pull-up
Port B.3JTDO, JTAG Data Outputfloating

These modes are available per pin:

  • stm32/peripherals/gpio.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/02/23 16:31
  • by ruan