RTC Real-time Clock and Calendar

Time-of-day clock/calendar with subseconds, seconds, minutes, hours (12h/24h format), day (day of week), date (day of month), month, and year.

RTC_DR - RTC Date Register

DU[3:0]Date units in BCD format
DT[1:0]Date tens in BCD format
MU[3:0]Month units in BCD format
MTMonth tens in BCD format
WDU[2:0]Week day units000Forbidden
YU[3:0]Year units in BCD format
YT[3:0]Year tens in BCD format

RTC_TR - RTC Time Register

SU[3:0]Second units in BCD format
ST[2:0]Second tens in BCD format
MNU[3:0]Minute units in BCD format
MNT[2:0]Minute tens in BCD format
HU[3:0]Hour units in BCD format
HT[1:0]Hour tens in BCD format
PMAM/PM notation0AM or 24-hour format

RTC_SSR - RTC Sub Second Register

SS[15:0]Sub second valueSecond fraction = (PREDIV_S - SS)/(PREDIV_S + 1)