Install Windows in a virtual machine. Parallels is currently the most comfortable way to run standard Windows on an M-series Mac. Parallels offers a lot of comfort by automatically downloading the appropriate installation image. Parallels is fee-based but is available for students at a discount. The second best option is VMWare Fusion. VMware Fusion also offers the comfort of automatically downloading the appropriate image, and is free. The third best solution UTM is also for free, but less powerful and convenient than the other two.
Keil uVision is a software development suite designed for embedded devices.
The light version of the software is available for free but is limited to 32 KB (size of compiled binary).
During the first start, Keil uVision asks to install a software pack.
For the CT Board, there is a special pack that must be installed separately.
Download the current InES uVision Pack
The Discovery Board includes an integrated ST-Link programmer, which is used to download firmware and debug the board. To set it up, follow these steps:
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