The HEX switch on the CT Board can switch through 16 different states (4 bit).

Please make sure the CT Board is in the correct mode.
Supported modes: 1, 2, 3, 4


Caveat: Register bits [7:4] are read as '1' and therefore need to be masked.

The register is read only.


Programming Example

The code snippets below show how to use the HEXSW.

#include "reg_ctboard.h"
uint8_t data = CT_HEXSW;                    /* Read HEXSW into the lower nibble of a byte. */

ADDR_HEXSW      EQU      0x60000211
                LDR      r0, =ADDR_HEXSW
                LDRB     r1, [r0, #0]       ; Read HEXSW into the lower nibble of a byte.